As the wearer of the LifeShirt breathes in, the circuit expands and self-induction rises, lowering the frequency of the oscillating current; 当穿著「生命衣」的人吸气时,线圈扩张、自感提高,而使振荡电流的频率降低;
This paper got the displacement current about a oscillating dipole and the equation of displacement current line and discusses the property of its electromagnet field. 本文通过计算得到了振荡偶极子周围的位移电流及位移电流线方程。并对振荡偶极子周围的电磁场性质进行了讨论。
Suppressing tearing mode instability effectively and avoiding major disruption were observed by modulation of plasma toroidal current ( oscillating fluxes current driven) on the HT& 7 superconducting Tokamak experiment. The interaction between plasma and wall was weakened. HT&7超导托卡马克上的实验观察到,通过对等离子体环向电流的交流调制(即振荡通量电流驱动)的方法,可有效抑制撕裂模不稳定性,从而抑制大破裂。
The co-authors mainly describe the monitoring of the cooling water pressure in the high-frequency oscillating tube and the anode current. 侧重介绍了对高频振荡管冷却水压力和阳极电流的监测情况。
Applying the Green ′ s theorem and a moving oscillating source, an integral equation method is developed for predicting wave height on a shoal in current. The integral equation is discretized by a higher order element method. 利用格林定理和移动脉动源建立了一个积分方程方法,并利用高阶方法对积分方程进行了离散和求解,用于计算波浪和水流在浅滩上发生的绕射现象。
The pulsed voltage, oscillating wire feeding and short current are adjusted synchronously. 在单片机控制下,脉冲电压、脉动送丝与短路电流三位一体同步调控。
In addition, we get the connection of spin current throught the quantum dot and the Rabi frequency of oscillating magnetic field and find that the spin current decrease with spin decoherence time; 此外,还给出了在不同的自旋退相干时间下通过系统的自旋电流与所加振动磁场Rabi频率之间的关系,发现系统的自旋电流随着自旋退相干时间的减小而减小;
In the course of response, the electromagnetic torque and stator current basically have non oscillating phenomena, electromagnetic torque is constant in steady state, and the corresponding six-phase stator current is sine wave. 响应过程中电磁力矩及定子电流基本上无振荡现象,稳态时电磁力矩恒定,对应的六相定子电流为规整正弦波。
The oscillating impulse wave was converted to high voltage direct current after double voltage commutated filter, and the output value of high voltage direct current was gained through adjusted the direct current power. 产生器产生的振荡脉冲波升压后由倍压整流滤波获得直流高压,调节直流电源得到各直流高压输出值。
The method is valid for the measurement of corrosion of rebar and overcome the limitation of traditional method of linear polarization in measuring the oscillating corrosion current. 该方法可客观反映非稳态情况下钢筋锈蚀的特征,克服了常用的线性极化法在测量产生振荡现象的腐蚀电流时所存在的局限性。
With a series connected capacitor, oscillating will occur in motor winding, the energy stored in capacitor is fed into winding inductance and the current in winding will rise rapidly, thus a relative large output torque is available in high speed. 通过在相绕组中串联电容,使主电路产生振荡,电容储能馈送入绕组电感来快速建立绕组电流,使电机在高速运行时仍有较大输出转矩,达到改善电机矩频特性的目的。
This paper analyzes the effect of mould lubrication, tundish exchange, mould service life and casting speed on the friction based on the measurement of oscillating motor current. 通过对振动电机电流的测量,分析了结晶器润滑、更换中间罐、结晶器寿命、拉速等因素对摩擦力的影响。
It is recommended to apply simplist and most reliable principle mode, which use metal oxide to consume energy, to limit current and add oscillating current using. 推荐采用最简单、可靠的金属氧化物耗能限流和无源型迭加振荡电流的原理方式。